HIFU Treatment


High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU)

Our device combines Vacuum & High Intensity Focused Ultrasound Fat Reduction technologies, it delivers focused cram ultrasound energy into subcutaneous fat layer at controlled depths while vacuum sucked skin and fat into treatment head, which causes destruction of fat cells more effectively with high safety & comfort.

High ultrasound energy targets only subcutaneous fat tissues & destroys localized fat cells immediately, releasing the fat in the form of triglycerides & be processed through liver & body's natural physiological and metabolic pathways. Its a non-invasive way for fat reduction and body contouring which offers clients a satisfactory treatment experience with long lasting results. In HIFU therapy, focused ultrasonic waves are directed at tissues in the body which reach temperatures of up to 85 degrees Celsius. These extreme temperatures are then used to destroy the tissue responsible for the disease or damage without damaging surrounding healthy cells. This makes HIFU an effective treatment option for conditions that have traditionally been difficult to treat with traditional surgery or radiation therapy.

High Intensity Focused Ultrasound, HIFU
High Intensity Focused Ultrasound, HIFU

Advantages of HIFU Treatment

High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) is a revolutionary technology that offers amazing benefits to its users. Some of the main advantages include:

1) It utilizes high-intensity sound waves to target specific areas of the body with precise accuracy, providing fast and effective results.

2) With HIFU, customers can experience improved skin tone, texture, and contour without surgery or downtime.

3) It encourages collagen production for a more youthful appearance, as well as reduces fat deposits and wrinkles.

Not only is this technology safe and non-invasive, but it also delivers long lasting results—meaning customers can enjoy their newly improved features for years to come. HIFU is truly one of the most innovative treatments available today; it's no wonder it's become such a popular choice among beauty enthusiasts!


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